Happy 4th Canada Day Niloofar Abbasvandi. Hope it is as memorable as four years ago today that your plane touched down. Congratulations on receiving your PR this year and officially joining the Canadian family.
Greetings to my fellow Canadians and fellow sojourners on this Blue Marble we call Earth.
My birthday was this week and some of our team members arranged a “surprise” birthday party last Saturday at the Accelerator Centre. In our company’s brief existence, I’ve been honored to work with so many wonderful people, many who are newcomers to this country so that was a special celebration.
I received a number of personal gifts including this one from Begench Gurbanov‘s wife who has a business called The Grand Roses
I was reading the instructions for taking care of this stunning green dried rose and the note on top. That made me think about what we need to do to take care of our precious country and planet.
How do we care for each other, whether that person arrived here this morning or their family has lived here for thousands of years?
How do each of us work towards making the Earth a greener place?
Each one of us is part of a story that brought us to this special place at this special time. Let’s commit to caring for each other and our planet this day. In the end we are all brief sojourners together in this journey of life on our unique blue marble hurtling through the vast universe.