Inconceivable!! A line I love to use from The Princess Bride when seeing something that makes no sense. We’ve been working at more precise ways to determine shading and clipping losses in actual performance of PV systems that traditional modeling and performance analysis misses.
This week we were doing some analysis for a customer with underperformance at a site in the Middle East and suspected significant losses due to nearby office buildings so are working to quantify them.
Our data scientists were also working with data from a local customer and seeing an unusual underperformance pattern. H’mmm I said that looks like a shadow from a taller nearby building but Google Maps showed no such structure and interestingly data from last year didn’t have the pattern. Well what if they tore down those smaller structures and built a large apartment building I asked yesterday afternoon?
Today Niloofar Abbasvandi‘s curiosity got the best of her after our morning standup at the Accelerator Centre and she hopped in her car for a drive and then took this “inconceivable” photo of the source of the underperformance still under construction.
I thought what other problems can we solve if we can figure something like this out!
Also made me think perhaps we should offer a service to estimate your losses when your neighbor puts up a structure like this so you can send them a yearly bill!
What do you think? Should the developer be responsible for the lost production on PV systems? If so what about the lost potential revenue if you had planned on installing a system?