An image of Leon walking with a new friend on September 11, 2011

Walking with the Other

On Sunday, my wife and I went for a walk with a Turkish Muslim family. I have known the husband for almost four years, but this was the first time I met his wife and two children since they arrived a few months ago. He had to flee to Canada almost five years ago, leaving her and their oldest child behind; she was pregnant at the time with their second child. 

As we walked, I noticed a few glances our way as we made our way through the park. His wife wears a hijab.  I’ve seen those glances before, and know that sometimes they mean “Why are you walking with ‘them’?”  

We welcome many people to Canada, but too often we all seem to stick within our own communities, perhaps because that is easier and comfortable. Yet in doing so, do we not remain the “other” to each other? I’ve met and walked with my friend physically, but also mentally and emotionally as he first sought to obtain residency in Canada and waited for his family to join him. In turn, he has walked with me because he has a lot of business experience that I value. So this was very much a celebratory walk, but I also pondered the tragic events in London just a week before.

We didn’t change the world that day but perhaps we changed each other and others we encountered that day. I think that is how the world changes. An important parable for many of us Christians is the parable of the mustard seed:

Matthew 17:20b NIV – . . . Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

For me, this parable is about taking small steps of faith and those small steps will, in fact, lead to mountains moving. 

So my encouragement to you during this pandemic is to walk with each other.  Should we not all take this opportunity to exercise our faith, whatever it is, to work to remove the mountains that sometimes keep us apart?

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